Concurrent Enrollment

Chinese Courses for High School & Community College Students

Our program, in cooperation with City College of San Francisco (CCSF) and Mandarin Institute, offers an option for students to continue intermediate through advanced level studies of Mandarin Chinese language through concurrent enrollment in courses at City College of San Francisco. Students in this program are eligible to receive high school and college credit upon completion of the course. The courses are taught once a week, either on a weekday after normal class hours, or on Saturdays.

For questions, please contact Project PI Professor Frederik Green at or Professor Hsin Yun Liu by email at


  • Advance and retain Chinese language abilities
  • Earn free California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) transferable college credits
  • Preview expectations for college level courses

Curriculum Design

Courses are offered in the afternoons at the main CCSF campus in San Francisco. In future models distance-learning modules may be implemented to facilitate access for students from outside the San Francisco high school district and to accommodate high school student’s busy schedules. Courses are taught once a week in a three hour time block, so students are able to experience firsthand college level instruction.

Students receive an additional hour of instruction with a language aide and are also provided one-on-one tutoring with native speakers of Chinese. Students will be given periodic proficiency monitoring to track their progress. Assessments are industry standard and test all four modalities, speaking, reading, writing and listening.

Application Procedure

Students can indicate their interest to their San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) counselor. Each applicant must complete an enrollment packet and have all consent forms signed by the appropriate party. Once students are admitted into the program, CCSF will email the student enrollment procedures that will enable them to register for the course. 9th and 10th graders may need the assistance of SFUSD counselors to apply for the course.

Program Details/Deadlines
Fall Start Spring Start Key Dates
April - May November - December Receive a program overview; take CCSF Placement test
May December Complete CCSF application including consent form with
parent and principal signatures
June-July December - January Attend a mandatory orientation session and register for Fall course(s)
August January Begin classes
October February Withdraw deadline
December May Semester end
January June Grade available online

High School Student Intermediate Courses

This course is designed for the incoming immersion track students who we have determined to be at the Intermediate High proficiency level. Students are able to move between tracks depending on proficiency level. Based on results from placement tests, students may be suggested to register initially for the Chinese 30A-Advanced Intermediate course. In some cases, the professor may suggest the student switch to a higher level course on a student by student proficiency evaluation.

*All high school students (grades 9-12) who have graduated from a Chinese immersion program, or have successfully completed the Chinese AP exam, or are advanced- level Chinese learners are eligible to enroll in the CHIN 30A or, for continuing concurrent enrollment students, CHIN 30B. Students will be assessed upon entry into the class to determine appropriate course placement.

Chinese 30A/B

Courses currently being offered to graduates of Chinese immersion programs, High School AP students and CSSF language learners. This course provides Intermediate training in written and spoken Mandarin with emphasis on reading and composition. The second part of this series, 30B, focuses on written and spoken Mandarin with an emphasis on reading, speaking and composition. Increased linguistic ability in both English and Chinese are used as a basis for increasing vocabulary and enhancing reading and writing skills through short stories, poems, essays and compositions.

Chinese 31A/B

The continuation of these courses is suitable for heritage learners, both high schoolers and non-high schoolers.